Business Support Specialist

Jenny Snyder

Jenny has been organizing and creating for brands – bringing successful campaigns to life. Jenny’s ability to pay attention to the fine details, while also explaining the how and what of everything we do, makes her a crucial member of the team.

Jenny has her hands in a bit of everything – including web design, social media, and graphics. Jenny’s hands-on and no fear mentality helps get all of our projects across the finish line – with time to spare.

Creating Success

"There are no coincidences in life...if it's meant to be, it will happen."

Jenny Snyder
Career of Planning & Creating

Background & Success

Jenny’s ability to review a project and create a structured plan and process for success is key in developing strong campaigns and strong brands. 



Jenny has developed a passion for creating. Not only does she help create graphics, websites, and marketing campaigns - Jenny owns and operates her own hand-made jewelry and accessory business. When we say she is creative, we mean it in every facet of the word.
Jenny has worked with major brands in regards to client relations, marketing, and promotion. Whether she was living in Florida and planning client events or working in North Carolina with hospitality and entertainment – Jenny has been effective in helping brands make a big impression on their customers. 

Although every campaign is different, successful marketing always has proven processes and strategies. We customize solutions but we make sure we make data driven decisions that create proven results. We are not recreating the wheel – just finding the vehicle to make the wheel move faster.

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Jenny Bissett Snyder was born and raised in Wheeling but lived and worked all over the southern US for 12 years before coming home.

After getting married, she and her husband, Michael, decided to return to her roots to raise their family. As an early stay-at-home mom, she started her own business called “jennerate,” where she built websites, designed marketing material, and produced video. She has always had an eye for design. Her attention to detail is strong, and her creative process is very fluid.

In 2021, she began another adventure custom designing leather goods for her now thriving side business, Wild Fridge Leatherworks. Her funky designs are bright and bold, and she finds joy in creating unique pieces of wearable art.

She loves letting that creativity fly and having the freedom to express those artistic ideas, while also channeling it into marketing, communication, layout and web design – now at Strong Minded Agency. She is thrilled to be part of this team of like-minded, creative, and funny individuals. 

Our Core Values

Strong Individuals, Stronger Team

Continuous Improvement

You can't sleep in the world of marketing. We are always working to learn more and become better at everything we do.


We do what we say we are going to do and we're not scared to show our work. We are transparent and excellent.


Understanding the "why" is an important aspect of success. We've created processes to make it easy to understand and do.

Respect the Process

We have a proven process that deliver results. Trust and respect our proven process and you will see results.

Why Work with a Marketing Agency?

Strong Minds are Fueled by Strong Minded Agency


Digital, Radio, Billboard, TV, Cable, and Newspaper, and More - we've done it all.


Our connections allow us to get you the help you need and get in front of the people that matter.


We've spent years perfecting our process to save you time and money - reaching your goals faster.


Let us help you move in the right direction with honestly, transparency, and guidance.

SMA is the Right Choice

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Talk with Jenny

Reach Out Today

If you are looking to build a new website, start a marketing campaign, or just want general help to have a strong brand, reach out to Jenny and the team.
Kevin Martin - Co Founder